Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Jack is just about to finish up his first year of school and loved it! He has made new friends and LOVES having play dates! He will be in Young 5's next year and can't wait to go to his new school! He is a wonderful older brother and is adjusting to Wade wanting to do everything he does. He is doing a great job at sharing his toys, too! He is looking forward to the outdoor pool opening this Saturday.

Wade is growing up way too fast. He has been walking for a while now and has no intention of slowing down! He is much louder than Jack ever was and he yells everytime he wants something! Going out for dinner isn't as quiet as it use to be! One night we had been at the restaurant for five minutes and I was already on the phone calling every babysitter I had in my phone to see if they could come and get the kids! Wade also has discovered books. He loves to have you read them to him and he has to be sitting in your lap before you can read them. He has books all over the house, too! I use to clean them up every night and take them back to his room but first thing the next morning they were all over the house again. To save myself time, I now just pile the books up in each room! It is so fun to watch Wade grow, I just wish it would go a little slower!

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