Tuesday, July 04, 2006

GeeGee and Papa's cont....

When Mama and Dada finished working on Friday they decided to take me, GeeGee and PaPa out for dinner. They wanted to thank them for watching me.
While in the car on the way to dinner I got board so GeeGee gave me her sunglasses. Those were great except they hurt my eyes a little, I think they were a little strong for me. They look pretty good in me though.... We got to sit outside for dinner, my parents think I am too loud inside, their silly!! I had grill cheese, surprise, surprise, and a lemon. I LOVE lemons!! When Dada sqeezes the lemon more juice comes out and I love that! I think it was painful for my parents too watch, they kept making funny faces at me.

When we got home from dinner I road my tractor, it's a John Deer, only the best, and had dessert. My Mama wasn't in the kitchen when GeeGee gave me a cream bar so I got to eat it all by myself, I love GeeGee!! It is so much more fun when I get to do things by myself! I did pretty good but I was glad GeeGee took my shirt off or else I would have made a mess of my cloths. My belly wiped right up!!!!
Here I am with my play sunglasses. I think I look even better in these!!
I love the moon and it was a great night to look at the moon. I had to keep going outside to look at it, to make sure it was still there.
Goodnight Moon.....
Thank you GeeGee and Papa for a wonderful couple of days. I had a great time playing and I can't wait to do it again. I love you lots!! XOXO

1 comment:

sara said...

Once again...CUTE overload! Looks like you all had fun. I just love concerts in the park!