Tuesday, September 09, 2008

1st Day of Preschool

Today was the big day, Jack's first day of Preschool!! He was so excited yesterday that I can't believe he slept so well! When I went to wake him up at 8am he rolled over and said that I should leave and he would wake up when he was ready. I thought we would have no problems getting him up and ready for school, but apparently we are starting young with not wanting to get out of bed for school! Once he was out of bed we couldn't leave fast enough. I packed Jack's lunch and he put his coat on and he was ready. On the way to school he did say that he would miss Wade and me. We had calls from Daddy and Sara before we left for school wishing us a good first day. (Mom, I know you would have called but it was 6am for you when Jack was leaving for school and when we were driving home you were the first person he wanted to call so he could tell you all about his first day.)

Here we are by Jack's name tag. We had orientation last week so he knew right where to go. You would have thought he had been there a hundred times! (He also learned to say "Orientation" perfectly and used it everytime he talked about going to school.) We got him all signed in, washed his hands and waited for the doors to his classroom to open. Jack was the first one in and the teacher had to remind him to tell me goodbye.

Jack had a great first day and when I picked him up the first thing he said in the car was, " When do I get to go back to school?" He didn't want to leave the playground and he helped his teachers pick up all the toys, he was totally putting off leaving. His teacher said he did great and that he is such a little man! He can't wait for Thursday to come so he can go back to school. I think his favorite thing about school is going outside to play, totally normal, right? He did say he made one friend, Sammy, so that is good. Jack has 8 kids in his class, 7 boys and 1 girl. Jack you are such a wonderful kid and I am so happy and blessed to be your Mom. I am so proud of you kiddo!
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Christie & Jeremy said...

Jack! I'm so glad that you had a great first day of school. I'm sure you'll enjoy each moment and learn SO much! Love you buddy!

krista said...

I wish I could go to school with you Jack. I love school, too. Thanks for telling me that I could be your teacher while you visit us! I have lots of field trips all planned. Better warn your folks.

Love you Jack,
