Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Isaac's House

This past weekend Mom, Dad and I went to Valparaiso, IN and Chicago. Our first stop was at Isaac's house. Mom went to school and lived with Isaac's Mom Karen. Dad and Dave, Isaac's Dad, get along really well and love to play golf!! Friday night we all went out for dinner after Dad and Mr. Dave played golf. I think Mr. Dave left work early. But I think it is a common thing for Dad's to leave work early on Friday's to play golf together, even Friday's when it rains. Dad said they didn't get too wet! Here Isaac and I are playing together in his room. I really liked sitting in Isaac's chair but i think Isaac preferred to chew on it.

Thanks Ms. Karen and Mr. Dave for letting us stay at your house. We all had a great time and I can't wait to play with Isaac again.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jack & Allison,

Thanks for the blogs. It is so good to see what you are up to. I hope tomorrow's blog shows you without your cast!

Love you guys.
